Women’s March

This blog is basically a summation of my personal life, so I feel comfortable talking about my political views here. As a woman, special education teacher, Union member, and Unitarian Universalist: I’m a proud Democrat! I have always been passionate about politics, but have gotten many eye rolls from others about my interest in the topic. It turns out that 5 million others around the world are just as passionate as I am though! I joined the Women’s March in Chicago to stand up for the rights of all woman, and there were 250,000 others beside me. So many people showed up that we actually filled the whole pre-planned parade route. I was disappointed when the organizers told us that we couldn’t march, but women are quick problem solvers. We thought, “well we all have to leave this rally somehow. Why not march out together?” And that is exactly what we did! The mood of the day was empowerment & positivity. It lit a fire under me to continue taking action. I am so proud to be standing on the right side of (her)story! Thank you to all the men and children who also came out to support us! And a special thanks to the CPD who monitored our protest in a calm, respectful, and encouraging way. Here are some pics from the amazing day!

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